Hello from arch..!

This post was uploaded from my arch computer. I ran it with the `neocities push' command..! This file is set up to upload each time I log in to my computer.

The current time is Fri Jul 26 13:34:22 UTC 2024. My IP address is Your lucky number is 27.

/ Two Zen teachers, Daigu and Gudo, were  \
| invited to visit a lord. Upon arriving, |
| Gudo said to the lord: "You are wise by |
| nature and have an inborn ability to    |
| learn Zen." "Nonsense," said Daigu.     |
| "Why do you flatter thi blockhead? He   |
| may be a lord, but he doesn't know      |
| anything of Zen." So, instead of        |
| building a temple for Gudo, the lord    |
| built it for Daigu and studied Zen with |
\ him.                                    /
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(via Zen Koans Database)

With love, --Sophie